The Only Road...
The Only Road.......the name of my new blog to enable me keep a diary of happenings along the way and to help me remember some of the sights and sounds that I encounter as I tramp along life's back waters and B roads. Hopefully I can write stuff in a lighthearted manner on a regular basis and some of it may even make some sense. This is where the journey starts and who knows where it will continue to take me........only destiny! Today happens to be Christmas Day, not that this means much to me as I don't sign up to the capitalist cash-cow 'in the name of Christianity' bullshit....that's got that out of the way.......but the real reason to start this blog is to enable me to keep a diary of an iminent trip that I am planning. I am often in sunnier climates at this time of year as I find getting away from it easier on the soul but this year I am a little late with booking flights. After much deliberation trying to convince myself that there are other places ...