
Showing posts with the label Travel

Fools Gold…

After a hearty 5* breakfast and a repack of Stratos & Altus, it’s  time to leave the skyscrapers behind and slither out of town like a couple of snails. Taking the now familiar  KL Rapid monorail from PWTC was easy and ten stops later we were at Bandar Tasik Selatan, a transit stop for the bus station. Here we bought 2 tickets for 22 ringgits (£4 each) for seats 4&5 on the next big pink bus to Kuantan, about 4 hrs away, on the east coast of the Malaysian peninsula. Onboard, the coach journey took us up out of KL, past the struggling wagons, on the steep climb up over the Genting Highlands. The main E8 was busy today so time to just sit back and take in the scenery. I spy with my wonky eye, something beginning with P…? “PALM OIL”….correct, in obscene amounts! Miles and miles of the damn stuff! Malaysia grows about half the world’s supply of Palm oil in its monoculture plantations which has had a major impact on the eco system in these parts and imports are rightly banne...

For what it’s worth….

Meet travel companions Atmos & Stratos For what it’s worth, I’m just wondering about having a bit of a blogfest again as preparations are being made for a nice month long trip into Asia…So, I’m currently trying to convince myself that I still have the time and creative inclination to string a few musings together and litter them with some colourful pics as we trot round Malaysia, mainly as a vibrant diary to capture a few memories digitally. Ok, so decision made…il give it a go… The blog has had a bit of a re-vamp and is now good to go too. Looking back, the previous blogs covered last years bike trip with the boys and before that my time living and working in Italy and trips around Europe so we were due some coverage of this ‘long-haul’ respite for the next month. respite /ˈrɛspʌɪt,ˈrɛspɪt/ noun a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant ie.Work… As the last big Asian adventure was to Thailand in 2016 , I’m going to make the effort and keep a log o...