Vehicles and Animals...
Shell garage After a good nights sleep I left the hotel Suk somboon, Songkhla at about 7.30 and decided not to backtrack to go over the bridge to Ko Yo, instead I went north to take the small ferry as a short cut. On the ferry from Songkhla Beware - Gloucester cattle! Here I met a Thai biker who had done 50k before I'd got up. He was on his way home so he rode with me the 8k back to his home before saying goodbye as I headed on up the 408 and after the shell garage there were many signs warning cows about. One that lost... Noodle stall on 408 Are you from Texas, boy? Off again and passed up through Sathingpra district, a semi rural area with people keeping cattle by their houses and cockerels in woven baskets for the sport of fighting. Stopping off for a drink a bloke was proud to get his cock out and show it to me. Look at my cock! I stopped off at thi...