Tea for the Tillerman...

The standard of food on the Etihad flight is quite high so the exotic eastern cuisine menu sounded quite yummy but due to an oversight in the booking department we didn't get a choice as we had been identified as a couple of travelling Rabbi's and under Jewish dietary law, two trays of sealed up kosher food were delivered by a grinning flight attendant!

Gingerly, the 80g Hors d'oerve of some kind of slimy, gelatenous gelfilta fish was opened and immediately a pungent aroma filled the cabin. In the name of Allah, the lid was swiftly replaced and condemned to become ICW at the earliest opportunity.

 Next was the deliciously entitled 'Main course meaty 280g' and along with some fluffy boiled rice and a tub of holy water it served its purpose until our next reading of a passage from the Hebrew bible...


This blog title comes to you from the old boy 'Cat Stevens' or Yusuf Islam as he converted to from the album of the same name.


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