Friday 3 March 2017

Across a Wire...

Across a Wire....

The outside light, which is the home of an old crow, hasn't worked for ages so the first job of the morning was to take it down and find out why. On inspection, it revealed that the crow was indeed dead, deceased, no longer with us, devoid of life, insentient, departed from this world, passed on etc etc....and the light fitting was not much better!

Off we trolleyed in the pickup into our nearest town, Camucia.

We have got to know Camucia quite well now so it wasn't a problem finding some new fittings in the little electrical shop to make the repair. Being a Thursday we also knew from past experience that Thursday in Camucia was market day and market day meant it was Porchetta day! 

The porchetta man gets through two whole pigs in a morning and sells the speciality cooked meat sliced directly off the pig on the stall, it has been seasoned with garlic, rosemary, fennel and olives and packed into a bun and tastes Buonissimo!

Returning back to finish the light it was then about time the bonfire got started.

Cleverly, I've got a double whammy here, the title, 'Across a Wire' for the the light wiring job and the artist being the 'Counting Crows'..... pass the Prosecco!

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