Wednesday 1 March 2017

Can U Dig It....

The sun came out again today, and it came streaming through the window as soon as the shutters opened in the morning.
Shorts donned and coffee consumed and we poured out into the garden to see what the day's activities would inspire us. The iris beds up the sides of the drive had become heavily overgrown and choked so we set about digging them out....Jeez, 3 hours later we had only done a few feet so after lunch we needed a new plan. Out came the Briggs & Stratton rotavator to speed up the work. By the end of the afternoon we had done the lot. 

There is about 15 acres with the property, lots of terraces and lawns and the upkeep to keep it looking well is immense. The good thing for us is that all the work is outside in the sunshine so it doesn't really feel like it's a chore, in fact it's not a chore at's therapeutic and an enjoyable way to spend the days.

By teatime its become chilly, so it's inside the farmhouse where the fires have been burning away all day to make it a cosy place to retire to as another evening feast is prepared for us all to enjoy.

It's not a bad life here in Italy.

'Can u Dig It?' By the Mock Turtles in 1991 but might have been a PWEI original, I'm not sure so you will have to look it up if your that bothered....I like this version anyhow!

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