Saturday 4 March 2017

We are the Pigs....

Now, getting towards the end of the week it was time to step it up and the Barbierro was the weapon of choice for today, a nice little multi-functional tractor. With the front end mower attached it was a nimble tool for cutting around the olive trees. Later, with the rear roller and mower combination it was time to tackle the big field at the front.

The woods at the rear are extensive, unexplored yet by us, but they continue right over to lake Trasimeno and into Umbria. Walkers and mountain bikers use the paths occasionally. Tuscany, however, has a serious wild pig (cinghiale) problem  and I think the majority of them seem to live here in these woods. They come down at night in large numbers and root around the property, leaving tell tale holes and trotter tracks.
Plans are afoot to curtail the nocturnal activities of the tasty little porkers ....but not just now so we headed up the hill to for our evening meal at trattoria 'La Grotta', hidden down one of the many narrow streets that wind around the old hilltop town.

It's time to leave the farmhouse retreat and head back home, we have eaten too much!

Catching the Saturday morning train the weather has changed today, cooler and cloudy. It was a reminder that we are still in the winter months but the week has been warm and sunny. Many of the Italians are still wrapped up in their familiar 'Puffa' coats and an incredible amount of Norwegian 'Napapijri'!.....not surprised, it's raining!
So much for heading for the marina.....we head for a glass or two instead.

An uplifting 'Suede' song to end on and a fitting end to (a) being around the wild boar and (b) indulging in gastromony far too much.....' We are the Pigs!'

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