Friday 2 June 2017

Laisse tomber les filles...

Leaving Dover with the 'sole' intention of getting the 11.15 ferry we arrived earlier and managed to get on the 10.15 sailing on the 'Jolene' heading for French France. 
Today would be all about the girls as per today's blog title...
Looking back at Vera's white cliffs, we were accompanied most of the way by the seagulls...
After Calais it didn't take long for the monster truck to be in top gear and we headed south down the Rue A26 at about 130 Rappels a hectare passing sleepy towns like St. Quentin(de Crisp) until we needed to stop for a 'peage'...
During the journey I concluded that northern France is actually quite boring, as it's just kilometres and kilometres of wheat and barley and beans and no one really lives there, no Maisons with chiens behind them...nothing but unfeasibly large fields of crops!
A few 'Peage's on and we got to the the famous Champagne town of Reims where we were ready for a break; we were ok for 'gonflage' but we needed another tank of 'sans plomb' together with an old ladies 'Oui'. 
Refreshed, we grunted further down the highway with Luxembourg on our left, passing 'Nancy' and further on through the green hills of Verdun (1914-18) past the historical regions of Alsace and Lorraine.
As the day drew to an end after 620km and unable so see out of a windscreen full of splattered insects we pulled off the A4 into downtown Strasbourg, checked into a hotel and enjoyed a dinner of fine french cuisine outside the


"Laisse tomber les filles" a quintessential french flavour to this old tune, probably one of the oldest I have from 1964 I think but I love the tune. Translates to English as 'Stop messing about with the girls'....hence the girl link.

Sent wi' th'ipad

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