Come pick me up...

As I settled down in my hammock for an afternoon snooze there was a knock at the door....well, there wasn't cos no-one knocks around here, they pull up the drive, honk and wait for someone to find them. This time it was the local woodsman from the top of the road who annually fetches the winter wood order, sometime in October. He is obviously keen this year and we must be on top of his list as on enquiring as to when the logs would arrive he uttered a word I wasn't expecting, "Adesso!"(Now!).
Ten minutes later a tractor and trailer was backing up the drive and had dumped its full load full of logs at the back door.
Right.....that will be the winter fuel here then...

You order dry, seasoned firewood for the winter by the Quintali here. One Quintali is equivalent to 100kg or a ton, we just had 50 quintali delivered! 
You can't get anymore Italian than "Cinquanta Quintali"...
The load was a mix of local hardwoods from the nearby woods, dry and well seasoned, a real necessity for the colder months when they finally arrive. Coal is non existent here so everyone has to use wood from the local woodsman. It's a great system...I just need to pick it all up and stack it!

Ryan Adams is a real favourite of mine, such a talent and all round cool dude, so here you have another track from his aptly named album 'Heatbreaker' which is full of great but emotional songs...just like this tormented track, here I give you a live version to enjoy!

Sent wi' th'ipad


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