The Boy with the Thorn in his Side...

Well it's the last day of September and we are still averaging 22/23C with almost everyday being incredibly warm and sunny....I keep banging on about it cos it's sooo different from the weary inclement weather in the north of England.
It makes a real difference.
Things are starting to 'green' up again.
And a bit of winter veg is planted and growing nicely in the 'Orto'.

It's a fantastic temperature for working outside, getting the garden sorted, getting the grass cut and having a hour or two of solitude every now and then with the strimmer.

Admittedly Iv had to visit 'Trenti's' a couple of times just lately so that Maximillion, the main beardy fixing man round here, could put new bearings in the rear mower when it ceased and also fit some new drive belts but he's only in the next village and always very helpful with a smile. Proper rural service by proper rural fixing men!

Iv also been spending a bit of time up in the woods lately, tackling the overgrown terraces, getting rid of thick brambles and getting thorn'd to death clearing the spiky undergrowth.... that is until armed with €36 euros worth of Japanese engineered cutter blade fit to the strimmer head, I now have a stealth tool that slices through anything in its path with only an almost silent 'whoosh', a deadly beast in the wrong hands but great fun in mine!
No more thorns...
No more anything...
Just don't tap me on the shoulder....

By late afternoon we get the long shadows and by 7pm it's going dark and getting a bit nippy.

The Boy with the Thorn in his side is today's blog track. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that this is 'The Smiths'. A band I grew up with and will always enjoy 'Morriseys' lyrics and 'Johnny Marrs' 🎸. This song, from 1985 and off the great 'The Queen Is Dead' day she will be and I will play this death!


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