A Little Uncanny...
Iv spent the last few mornings filling in holes that had been presumably dug by the Cinghiale (wild boar) during the winter. The Cinghiale live in the dark, wild, wooded area directly behind La Cesa http://www.lacesa-tuscany.co.uk/ that extends all the way over into Umbria and they are a real problem when they come down during the night as the pesky creatures root about and make holes everywhere they shouldn't. But a strange thing is happening here.... As I fill in the holes I start to notice more holes appearing, smaller but definitely new holes. More mischievous porky pigs?? Now, I have enjoyed many a 'Dick Attenborough' documentary, and quirky nature intrigues me so this morning I started to investigate further. I found some tracks coming from the woods, some new footprints but they were smaller and weren't trotter shaped? I found a latrine that didn't have pig pooh in it, then I walked further into the olive groves and came across a sing...